Bangladesh Youth COP

This year, Bangladesh Youth CoP is focusing on ‘Bangladesh 2.0: Youth Agenda for Climate Justice’

Context Youth COP

Climate change is no longer an issue of future concern, rather it is happening now; more frequently and more intensely. Either it is flood, cyclone or heatwave, young people are always the sufferers. Yet their representation is not adequate on the global context. To reduce this gap between policy making and youth participation; Brighters Society of Bangladesh, with the support of ActionAid Bangladesh, organizes ‘Bangladesh Youth CoP’ since 2021 to articulate grassroots young people’s voice to the national and global platforms.

Bangladesh Youth COP 2024

This year, Bangladesh Youth CoP is focusing on ‘Bangladesh 2.0: Youth Agenda for Climate Justice’

To make a comprehensive document on how climate justice should look like in Bangladesh 2.0 through youth lens, we have conducted

  • 30 Focus Group Discussions
  • 15 Key Informant Interviews

To have an overall picture, we have conducted regional consultations in the following areas-

  • Coastal (Satkhira)
  • Haor (Sunamganj)
  • Drought and Flood prone (Kurigram)
  • Hill Tracts (Bandorban)
venue announcement 2 (7)

September 16

Online Session

venue announcement 2 (3)

September 17

Our Grand Venue

venue announcement 2 (6)

September 18

Displaying Our Grand Venue

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